Recommended Books to Prepare for Abundance

As you build your library, please consider the value of actual paper books. Dog-earing a corner, notes in the margins and post-it notes that collect your good ideas for improvements on what you read will not only be helpful for you, but a treasure to your children some day. If you really like digital books, consider getting paper versions in addition to your very favorite tomes.

“Brass Egg Award” marks the absolute best I’ve read on the subject.

Coffee-Table Books and Gift Books (see article with more details)

“A Rich Spot of Earth”: Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary Garden at Monticello

American Barns

Williamsburg Before and After: A Rebirth of Virginia’s Colonial Capital

Chicken Books

The Small-Scale Poultry Flock (read Brass Egg review of this book)

Encyclopedia and Reference Books for Small-Scale Farming (read article about these for more details)

The Permaculture Handbook

Encyclopedia of Country Living

Country Wisdom & Know-How: Everything You Need to Know to Live Off the Land

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